
The impact of Sustainability on Value

Developing the business case for net zero carbon UK Offices.

november 09, 2021
  • Elaine Rossell

In recent years, the property industry has increasingly examined it’s role in society and how it contributes to the Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG ) agenda. This is evident in an acceleration in the drive towards a net zero carbon (NZC) world and the impact of the office on health and wellbeing from both an investor and occupier perspective during the pandemic.

In 2020, JLL published a report on the impact of sustainability on value of office space across Central London. In the Spring, we wrote a follow up report covering the Core 8 markets, examining the performance of sustainable office buildings in terms of rental values and leasing velocity, against a background of growing demand.

This infographic brings together some of the key learnings from both reports, quantifying the supply of sustainable offices now and in the future, whether sustainable offices command a  rental premium and let faster,  and demonstrating the rapid increase in the requirements for sustainable space. 

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