Offices Quarterly Report Q1 2024

  • Sven Bertens
  • Floor Beeren
  • Jerrel King
  • Evan Henneberry
  • Tilly Spierings
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In the office real estate market, there has been a significant year-on-year decrease of 30% in take-up, indicating a decline in demand for office space. Concurrently, vacancy rates have continued on a downward trajectory, decreasing by 50 basis points to reach 5.8%. This decline in vacancy rates suggests a tightening of the office market.

Economic uncertainty and changes in occupiers' approach to office space utilization have played a key role in shaping these trends. The rise of hybrid working, where employees split their time between working from home and the office, has led to a reevaluation of office space needs. As occupiers explore new approaches to optimize their workspace and reduce costs, the demand for traditional office spaces has decreased.

This shift in demand highlights the need for the office real estate sector to adapt to changing market dynamics and accommodate the evolving needs of occupiers. Understanding the impact of economic uncertainty and the growing popularity of hybrid working is crucial for navigating the current office market landscape.

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Sven Bertens

Head of Research & Strategy

Michiel Tordoir

Head of Capital Markets Offices

Daphne Pronk

Head of Agency Offices | Amsterdam